Lucrecia Dalt
Isik Kural
Oliver Coates
Colin Self
Tashi Wada
Horse Lords
Ka Baird
Discovery Zone
Pauline Anna Strom
Sign Libra
Tristan Allen
Wayne Phoenix
Spencer Doran
M. Sage
Kate NV
Dylan Moon
Diatom Deli
Flore Laurentienne
Emily A. Sprague
Anna Homler
Craig Leon
Greg Fox
Helado Negro
Michele Mercure
Peter Ivers
Sugai Ken
Visible Cloaks
Ariel Kalma
Bing & Ruth
The Body
Dukes of Chutney
Eddie Ruscha V / Secret Circuit
Hieroglyphic Being
Holly Herndon
Julia Holter
June Chikuma
K. Leimer
Mark Renner
Palmbomen II
Stellar OM Source
Wayne Phoenix
Wayne Phoenix’s work is deeply personal, yet, not directly autobiographical. When asked about himself and his art, his focus shifts to what informs the moment of creation. When asked about inspiration, Wayne circumvents stylistic inspirations for something larger. His concerns lay with the “philosophical impulses” that “create an orientation to life.”