She is the lizard queen, she can do anything
A picture / glamor shot of Little Soulstice, Pauline Anna Strom’s beloved cerulean Iguana, with the bounties of Echoes, Spaces, Lines.
When Paula suddenly passed away in 2020, our dear friend and collaborator Jeremy Harris rescued Little Soulstice and Ms Huff, a blue-tongued skink, from San Francisco animal services, and adopted both. while the shock proved too much for Ms Huff (she passed away in her tender 40s — lizards can live up to 70 years!), Little Soulstice is thriving in a beautiful coastal setting which we’re sure Paula would approve of.
Paula had a huge heart for lizards, or “dinosaurs” as she referred to them, and cohabited with several over the years in her studio apartment. as with our other collaborations with Paula, a portion of the proceeds from Echoes, Spaces, Lines will benefit the Iguana Foundation, a non-profit organization supporting conservation, awareness, and scientific programs that enhance the survival of wild iguanas and their habitats.